At DEAN Adventure Camps, a harmonious blend of The Handwork Studio and Velocity Adventure Camp, we've created a unique sanctuary where children aged...
At DEAN Adventure Camps, a harmonious blend of The Handwork Studio and Velocity Adventure Camp, we've created a unique sanctuary where children aged 4-15 can immerse themselves in experiential learning. Whether it's through action sports or creative handwork, our camp is dedicated to nurturing a diverse range of skills in a fun, engaging environment.
Our philosophy is centered around three foundational tracks: Learn by Making, Learn by Doing, and Learn by Playing. These tracks embody our commitment to holistic development, where every child finds a path that resonates with their interests and strengths.
In this track, we put a spotlight on creativity and hands-on activities. Here, children delve into building and creating, fostering a strong sense of innovation and artistry. This approach not only hones their creative skills but also encourages a mindset of problem-solving and ingenuity.
Outdoor activities form the core of this track. We guide our kids in learning climbing, bicycle navigation, and other physical skills that are crucial for developing core muscle strength. This emphasis on physical health and exploration is pivotal in promoting a balanced lifestyle.
Especially designed for our younger campers, this track is a fusion of making and doing. Our thematic weeks are filled with diverse activities, ensuring that fun and learning go hand in hand. Through play, children learn to express themselves and interact with the world around them.
A unique aspect of DEAN Adventure Camps is the crossover between our programming lines. For example, the integration of The Handwork Studio line's Soapbox initiative with Velocity’s skateboard making shows how we blend indoor creativity with outdoor adventures, offering a holistic experience.
At DEAN Adventure Camps, we stand as a beacon for integrated learning. By merging play, creativity, and physical activities, we provide a platform where children can explore, learn, and grow, preparing them for a well-rounded and exciting future.
At DEAN Adventure Camps, a harmonious blend of The Handwork Studio and Velocity Adventure Camp, we've created a unique sanctuary where children aged...
As we prepare for another unforgettable summer at DEAN Adventure Camps, we’re thrilled to share some exciting updates for our locations at Haverford...